Markosia | Leviathan: AloneNotLonely 2 - PF | Spinwhiz Comics
Leviathan: AloneNotLonely 2 - PF
  • Print On Demand 12.99

The logical next step is a literal descent into Hell.

Realising that she has trapped herself in a purgatory of her own imagining - one peopled with tentacled demons and fiery-eyed angels - young Alex...

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Print type:
Standard Color 6.69 x 9.61 in or 244 x 170 mm (Pinched Crown) Perfect Bound on Standard 70 White w/Gloss Lam


The logical next step is a literal descent into Hell.

Realising that she has trapped herself in a purgatory of her own imagining - one peopled with tentacled demons and fiery-eyed angels - young Alex resolves to break free from her self-destructive loop.

But that will mean going further into the darkness than she ever has before and lead her to a confrontation with the ultimate manifestation of her pain...


From Luke Cooper, creator of Hollow Girl, Figments, Pumpernickel, South of Bedlam and A Glimpse of Hell, and artist on the award winning GoodCopBadCop, Wolf Country and Burlap: Death Waits for No One, Leviathan: AloneNotLonely2 is the sequel to the eye-popping apocalyptic original, a cathartic psychological horror with a Lovecratian twist that brings Alex's tale to a satisfying conclusion.